I am partial to desserts that combine fresh fruit with fine pastry. 我偏爱加有新鲜水果的精致油酥甜点。
Both groups were encouraged to eat vegetables, and the low-carbohydrate group was told that eating some beans and fresh fruit was fine as well. 研究人员建议两组成员多吃蔬菜,而且低碳水化合物摄入小组还被告知,食用一些豆类和新鲜水果也没事。
Their love for each other was fresh and fine. 他们相互之间的爱情还新鲜,还纯洁。
Products of the company are fresh and soft, with rich nutrition, fine taste, delicious appeal, as well as full-bodied local flavor. 产品质地鲜嫩、营养丰富、口感细腻、韵味醇香,具有浓郁的地方风味。
Fresh air Taking a brisk walk on a fine day will not only revive you, it will wake up your skin, too. 呼吸新鲜空气晴天,轻快地散个步。这不仅会使你焕发活力,而且能唤醒你的皮肤。
His cunning was fresh with the day, and his qualms were gone with the night& in which particulars it is not improbable that he had compeers in Fleet Street and the city of london, that fine morning. 他的狡黠已随着白日而更新,他的恐惧已随着黑夜而消逝。就这个特点而言,在那个晴朗的早晨,舰队街和伦敦城跟他情况相同的人也并非没有。
Why we dine here: Our newly appointed Executive Chef will usher you into New Zealand, a nation abounding with fresh natural food delights and fine wines. 推荐理由:跟着新上任的行政总厨一起领略自然、新鲜的新西兰美食和美酒之旅吧。
The grass was fresh and dense, the slender, fine grass of June. 青草长得新鲜,浓密,娇嫩,这是六月的芳草。
The TEM results showed that the status of heteropolyacid on the supporter for the fresh and deactivated catalyst was ultra fine particle. TEM表征结果揭示了新鲜催化剂和失活的催化剂上负载的杂多酸均处于超细微粒子状态。
Dolomite can be further divided into 3 types: brackish water fine crystalline dolomite, fresh water dolomite and saddle-shape dolomite. Calcite can also be divided into 3 types: brackish water fine crystalline calcite, fresh water calcite and iron calcite. 充填物中的白云石可以进一步划分为微咸水微晶白云石、淡水白云石及马鞍状白云石三种类型,方解石可以进一步划分为微咸水粉细晶方解石、淡水方解石及铁方解石三种类型。
Effects on Rheologic Properties of Fresh Concrete by Fine Ground Slag 微矿粉对新拌混凝土流变性能的影响
As a fresh processing of preparing fine powder, SP had been widely used to synthesize diversified functional materials. 作为一种新兴的微粉制备工艺,喷雾热分解技术(SP)已广泛应用于各种功能材料的制备。
The results showed that yield of fresh grasses increased by more than one time, that of the fine herbages took account for over 70%. 结果表明,鲜草产量提高1倍以上,优良牧草在草群中所占比重70%以上。
Through comparing and analyzing, 90 varieties of fresh jujube were selected based on quality criterion, aesthetic quality criterion, testing quality criterion and synthetic properties of fine fresh jujube. 按照优良鲜食枣质量标准、感官质量标准、测试质量标准和综合性状进行比较分析,确定鲜食枣优良品种90个。
UWB ⅱ possesses the more excellent compatibility compared with UWB ⅰ, the more stable fresh concrete can be made by different coarse and fine aggregate and cement produced in different factories, the abnormal increasing in mix water of concrete can not be produced. UWBⅡ型水下不分散混凝土比UWBⅠ型具有更优良的适应性,对不同产地的水泥及砂石料可保持混凝土的品质稳定,不导致反常的需水量增大。
Now, the main extraction method is pressing for fresh peel in world because which can ensure the fine aromatic quality largely. 目前国际上,对于新鲜柑橘果皮精油的提取主要采用压榨法,因为这能充分地保障橘皮精油优良的芳香品质。